“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”
The Complete
As originally published by Aleister Crowley and arranged according to the curriculum of study within the Order:
Complete in six volumes quarter leather and blue linen, each book measures 230mm x 175mm with the ‘THELEMA’ design on the front covers measuring 156mm x 93mm
These special editions of the Holy Books of Thelema are being issued as six volume sets. The first three volumes are based upon Aleister Crowleys own first edition issued in 1909, the fourth volume contains other Holy Books not issued in the first edition, whilst volume five is a complete text of the Book of the Law suitable for both private and Temple use. the sixth volume is a reproduction of the important ‘Cairo Stele 666’ by noted Egyptologist Terence Du Quesne which analyses the original artifact held at the Boulaq Museum in Egypt.
Originally the volumes of ‘THELEMA’ were issued one at a time as the aspirant progressed through the successive grades of the Outer College of the Order, we maintain this tradition today…
We have kept much of the presentation and layout of the original 1909 edition of ‘THELEMA’, adding those further Class A documents (eight additional in our volume 4, plus a ninth additional in our volume 5) in uniform bindings, this is the only complete and authorised edition of the Holy Books of Thelema in print.
With volume 5 we see Liber XXXI (The Book of the Law) printed side by side with its own transcription, the line arrangement of the type closely resembles the original manuscript providing the reader with a useful and unique experience at such times as the reading of the verses during the three days of revealing of the Book of the Law.
Volume I
Liber vel Causae
Liber Cordis Serpente
Volume II
Liber Liberivel Lapidis Lazuli
Volume III
Liber Lvel Legis
Liber Trigrammaton
Liber vel Ararita
Volume IV
Liber B vel Magi
Liber Porta Lucis
Liber Stellae Rubae
Liber Tzaddivel Hamus Hermeticus
Liber Chethvel Abiegni
Liber A’ASH vel Capricorni Pneumatici
Liber Tau vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum
Volume V
Liber AL vel Legis – Temple Edition
Volume VI
Cairo Stela 666 being the important rare study of the Stele of Revealing by noted Egyptologist Terence DuQuesne
“Love is the law, love under will”